
September, 2016

March, 2016

February, 2016

January, 2016

December, 2015

  • 1 December

    I Brake For East African Runners

    I spend some of my free time in Washington DC’s Rock Creek Park, bicycling or hiking.  This slender gem winds its way through the northwest sector of the nation’s capital for five miles, following the aptly named Rock Creek.  Heavily wooded, the park is a haven for urban hikers and …

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November, 2015

  • 12 November

    CBS Manufactures a Little Outrage and Class Warfare

    A short report aired today on CBS News This Morning about a billionaire and his helicopter is a demonstration of how the new media subtly uses class envy (or resentment) to generate outrage.  The teaser (a short promo for an upcoming story) for this segment talked about a billionaire’s helicopter cancelling a youth soccer game. …

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  • 6 November

    Chutzpah Defined – The President’s Comments on Alleged Police Misconduct

    Chutzpah [hoo t-spuh, khoo t-] noun, Slang. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall. audacity; nerve. The classic definition is that given by Leo Rosten: “that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.” A Modern Example President Obama gave a speech last week …

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  • 3 November

    Presidential Debates Have Become a Reality Show

    In last week’s Republican presidential debate on CNBC, the candidates and their supporters finally pushed back against the historical tide threatening to make such debates meaningless. The debate on the financial network was entitled “Your Money, Your Vote” and promoted as being focused on economic issues.  What ensued was a …

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October, 2015

  • 20 October

    The Solo Traveler: Friends Made, Friends Lost

    When traveling solo, I try to meet and speak to other travelers. There are so many genuinely nice people from many nations doing this. Some of these little friendships end with an exchange of contact information – some don’t. One example: I met the 2 German couples at a bus …

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