DC in the Snow – A Photo Essay

Photos of the nation’s capital during the snowstorm of January 22-23 2016.


P1050629 Capitol Plow

Snow removal at the Capitol after everyone has gone home Friday.


P1050634 Cherry Trees

These cherry trees along the Tidal Basin will be blooming in 2 months.


P1050638 Jefferson Mem

The Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin.


P1050647 Walk on Reflecting Pool

Walkway next to the Reflecting Pool provides a quiet passage for a young couple.


P1050649 Lincoln Afar

The Lincoln Memorial


P1050651 Lincoln Up Close

The Great Emancipator keeps a quiet watch.


P1050653 Walk and Reflecting Pool

From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial


P1050663 BP Store and Coffee

Toasting the convenience store that provided my cup of coffee and all the other businesses that stayed open for their customers.  Free enterprise rocks!


P1050664 Crosswalk

This only applies to plows today.



They won’t be needing that patio furniture for a while.


P1050668 Car Meter Expired

The expired parking meter is the least of this owner’s concerns.


P1050677 Ambulance

Kudos to the first responders braving the tempest.


P1050679 Bike Shop

The bike shop is open?


P1050685 Bike Share

Lonely bikes, waiting for the thaw.


P1050690 Eastern Ave

Eastern Avenue, usually busy with traffic, seems bucolic this night.

About Roberto

Roberto is a jack of all trades who enjoys life at the fringes of the bell curve. He is appalled by the shallow, emotional, and dishonest discourse on public affairs. He is searching for his true purpose in the universe through blogging.

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