
June, 2015

  • 13 June

    SoFlo Days 2 and 3

    Day 2 I am loading up to go to Little Havana: all the equipment in the car, grabbing some extra clothes, when she buttonholes me. Was I going south? No more bikes up here; can you take me as far as Sunrise? Sure, why not? She gets in and off …

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  • 12 June

    Get Out of Your Information Box

    The popular adoption of the Internet and cable television as sources of information in the past 30 years has revolutionized the way that the average person receives news. Before the 1980s, the available sources of daily news were limited to newspapers, radio, and broadcast television.   Many small towns had a …

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May, 2015

April, 2015

  • 28 April

    4 Myths and 3 Truths about the Baltimore Riots

    The Myths  1. The rally at Baltimore City Hall on Saturday was peaceful Local and national politicians and media waxed poetic about how beautiful and peaceful was this exercise of the right to demonstrate. I attended the rally, and the rhetoric from the podium was a mix of calls to …

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  • 26 April

    Violent Eruption at Baltimore Protest not an Accident

    The violent climax of the demonstration in Baltimore on Saturday was entirely predictable. The narrative that you are hearing from large media outlets and politicians (including Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake) is also predictable:  A peaceful demonstration hijacked by a few out-of-town agitators, causing the larger message of justice and non-violent …

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  • 23 April

    4 Bothersome Aspects of the Ben Affleck Ancestry Story

    First, let me start by reiterating that we don’t cover celebrity gossip at ThoughtWidget; nor do we engage in celebrity worship. However, the revelations about actor Ben Affleck’s slave-holding ancestor are a multi-faceted commentary on politics and the news media. It was revealed this week that Affleck asked Henry Louis …

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  • 21 April

    Cherry Blossom Time in DC

    Those of us who live in the nation’s capital have to put up with a lot.  The horrendous traffic, summer heat and humidity, high cost of living, bloviating politicians and posturing bureaucrats, dysfunctional governments, hordes of tourists,  etc.  One of the rewards for our patience is the annual blooming of …

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  • 21 April

    Iran Will Develop Nuclear Weapons, Regardless of Any Agreement

    Iran will continue its program to develop nuclear weapons because its leaders are convinced it is in their interest.   At the very least, nukes will give the Islamic Republic a level of security it has not had during the 36-year standoff with its two primary antagonists: the United States and …

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  • 19 April

    5 Words You Should Banish From Your Vocabulary…

    …if you want to be taken seriously. The words you choose will determine how others evaluate your intellect. It matters in almost any interaction you have outside of a close personal relationship. This includes your workplace and any interaction with someone you don’t know well. I’m not going to address …

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  • 19 April

    Personal Anecdotes Have Little Value in the Public Sphere

    The telling of personal stories has been an important aspect of human communication since before the development of complex language. Sharing one’s experiences is an integral part of personal relationships. It is typically one the first subjects that friends or acquaintances discuss when meeting (“How are you? What have you …

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