
April, 2015

  • 17 April

    Germanwings Pilot Should Not Be Mourned Alongside His Victims

    At today’s memorial service in Cologne, Germany for those killed in the March 24 Germanwings crash, the pilot (whose name I will not mention) was the object of expressions of sympathy and understanding.  While I’m not in favor of a condemnation of anyone at this type of service, it would …

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  • 17 April

    Drone Technology Could Have Prevented Germanwings Crash

    The recent intentional crash of Germanwings flight 9525 by a suicidal pilot demonstrated for the second time in the past year the risks associated with having humans completely in control of an airliner.  The German co-pilot of flight 9525 committed suicide and the mass murder of 149 others when he locked …

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  • 16 April

    Gyrocopter Stunt Exposes Security Vulnerabilities

    Yesterday’s crash landing of a gyrocopter on the Capitol lawn again exposed security vulnerabilities in the area of the National Mall.  The pilot, identified as Doug Hughes, claims to have flown his craft from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, about 65 miles away.  Upon his arrival in DC, he buzzed the White House and …

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  • 15 April

    Video: Special Delivery! Gyrocopter Crash Lands on Capitol Lawn!

    I was in downtown DC with my laptop and little Panasonic compact camera in my backpack.  I’d been working on a video about protests and demonstrations in DC, and I heard that a group of demonstrators advocating pot legalization and DC statehood had chained themselves to a 42-foot “Liberty Pole” on …

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March, 2015

December, 2012

November, 2012

  • 29 November

    The Old Man and the Sausage – A Prague Story

    Firstly, let me say I’m sure I was justified in throwing the old man with the cane to the ground. Well, pretty sure. Sure enough that I’m not wracked with guilt. And I didn’t throw him to the ground so much as let him fall. I know that justifying even …

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