All journalists and observers whose job it is to follow the 2016 presidential election, get on your knees. I don’t care if you’re religious or not. Atheists, agnostics, deists, wiccans, all of you. On your knees. Direct your thoughts toward whomever or whatever guides the universe. If you think it’s random chance, direct your attention toward that concept. It is time to give thanks that Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for President of the United States.
Your daily routine of listening to rehearsed speeches, carefully worded statements, and responses to questions that mean nothing, has just been disrupted. “The Donald” kicked off his presidential campaign in a rambling hour-ish speech in New York City. I will not attempt to describe it in detail – you really have to see it – but it is vintage Donald.
And if you think that being assigned to cover his campaign is a low-status assignment, consider how it compares to spending your days chasing Hillary around, trying to get a word from her. Or digging up dirt on Marco Rubio’s overdue library books. Donald will give you a non-stop stream of entertainment that you cannot get anywhere else. My advice is to enjoy it while it lasts. And let us all give thanks. Amen.