
Roberto is a jack of all trades who enjoys life at the fringes of the bell curve. He is appalled by the shallow, emotional, and dishonest discourse on public affairs. He is searching for his true purpose in the universe through blogging.

Get Out of Your Information Box

The popular adoption of the Internet and cable television as sources of information in the past 30 years has revolutionized the way that the average person receives news. Before the 1980s, the available sources of daily news were limited to newspapers, radio, and broadcast television.   Many small towns had a …

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Respect Should Flow Downward In A Hierarchy As Well As Upward

Below I describe a personal experience that illustrates an important principle that relates to any hierarchy. I attended the hour-long Executive Council meeting as a stand-in for my boss.  The invitees were a collection of VPs and high-ranking directors, and today the conference table was full.   I was in note-taking mode; my only …

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Violent Eruption at Baltimore Protest not an Accident

The violent climax of the demonstration in Baltimore on Saturday was entirely predictable. The narrative that you are hearing from large media outlets and politicians (including Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake) is also predictable:  A peaceful demonstration hijacked by a few out-of-town agitators, causing the larger message of justice and non-violent …

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4 Bothersome Aspects of the Ben Affleck Ancestry Story

First, let me start by reiterating that we don’t cover celebrity gossip at ThoughtWidget; nor do we engage in celebrity worship. However, the revelations about actor Ben Affleck’s slave-holding ancestor are a multi-faceted commentary on politics and the news media. It was revealed this week that Affleck asked Henry Louis …

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